Hello, Auditors!
Our fall, 2017 conference is fast approaching. This fall's conference will be Tuesday, Oct. 17 through Friday, Oct. 20 at the Sheraton Keystone Crossing in Indianapolis.
For the State Board of Accounts' call letter and draft agenda, click here: Fall, 2017 Draft Agenda
For the registration form, click here: Fall, 2017 Conference Registration Form
For the vendor registration form, click here: Fall, 2017 Vendor Registration Form
A personalized website has been set up for the hotel. To make reservations, click on the following: Sheraton at Keystone Crossing
We urge you to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible!
Our conference will kick off with a Tuesday educational session on Internal Controls. See below for more details.
Registration Forms & Fees
Send your registration to Marshall County Auditor Julie Fox on or before Sept. 29.
You may email, or fax your registration to the following:
Email: julief@co.marshall.in.us
Fax: 574-936-4683
Submit registration fees by Oct. 9. Make checks payable to: Indiana County Auditors' Association
Mail your registration fees to:
Indiana County Auditors' Association
c/o Julie A. Fox, Marshall County Auditor
Indiana County Auditors' Association Treasurer
112 W. Jefferson, Room 205
Plymouth, IN 46563
Please let us know on your registration form how many will be attending the following events:
- Tuesday afternoon education session
- Thursday evening dinner
- Thursday evening event: Wine & Canvas
- Friday morning breakfast
Check-in is Tuesday, Oct. 17. Check-out is Friday, Oct. 20
Special room rates will be available through Sept. 25
Mail tax-exempt certificates to the hotel at least 30 days in advance of the event.
Education Session: Internal Controls
The topic for the Tuesday afternoon education session will be internal control. The presenter will be Dan Hedden, CPA, from Umbaugh. Hedden joined Umbaugh in 1996 and is a graduate of Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis with degrees in accounting and finances. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Indiana CPA Society, the Association of Government Accountants, and the American Water Works Association. He will address the internal control responsibilities we have as county auditors. Following his presentation will be a Q&A session.
Conference Materials & Resources
The State Board of Accounts plans to post conference materials on its website the week before the conference for auditors to download and/or print.
The SBOA will have its resource tables available on Oct. 18 and 19. County auditors should bring detailed information on any questions or issues they have in order for the resource tables to provide assistance. Any questions for the SBOA leading up to the conference should be emailed to: Counties@sboa.in.gov
Auditor Badges
County Auditors and their deputies are reminded to wear their Auditor Association badge at the conference. Our magnetic badges not only help us get to know each other, but also they eliminate the need for the Association to buy temporary, paper badges.
If you don't already have a badge or need to order a new one, click here for the order form: Badge Form
Thank you, and see you in October!