Sunday, October 30, 2022

Indiana County Auditors' Fall Conference 2022

 County auditors, staff members, state officials, and vendors gathered for the Indiana County Auditors' fall conference Oct. 25-28, 2022 at the Belterra Resort in Switzerland County.

The week of training and networking included recognition of the County Auditors who have served on association committees and as district chairs, recognition of those leaving office this year, and the election of the 2023 officers.

Below are some scenes from our fall conference. Videos of the presentations will be posted on this website once they are available.

Registration Opens! ICAA officers Deb Stevens, Rachel Oesterreich and Amy Hochstrasser welcome county auditors to conference at the registration table.

A scene of the conference training.

Indiana Deputy State Examiners Beth Kelley (seated) and Tammy White (at podium) give conference opening remarks. 

DLGF Commissioner Wes Bennett, in his address to the county auditors, urged the auditors whose terms are ending to "finish strong!"
Also addressing the county auditors was Indiana Auditor of State Tera Klutz, who spoke on matters including upcoming legislative issues.

Association of Indiana Counties Executive Director David Bottorff spoke on several topics, including the upcoming Newly Elected Officials training on Dec. 6-8 and statewide proposals to improve mental health services.

Leading a number of training sessions on appropriations, the chart of accounts, payroll processes and more was Lori Rogers, SBOA Technical Assistance Director for Counties.

Leading training sessions on ARPA, prescribed forms, federal grant audits and more was Ricci Hofherr, SBOA Technical Assistance Director for Counties.

Speaking on settlement were Jamie Cope (seated) and Kim Diller (at podium) from the Auditor of State Office.

Also speaking to the auditors was Fred VanDorp, DLGF Budget Director. Seated is ICAA President Jennifer Flater.

Giving updates about the Indiana Public Defender Commission was Andrew Cullen, Director of Public Policy & Communications.

Speaking on the Indiana Open Door Law was Public Access Counselor Luke Britt.

The Association's Wednesday evening activity was Oktoberfest, which included an upbeat dueling piano performance. Joining the entertainers onstage were AIC's Jacque Clements and Ohio County Auditor Amy Hochstrasser.

Receiving recognition for their work on the ICAA Education Committee were (left to right) Christina Sriver, Chad Shireman, Debbie Walker, Tami Jackson, and Susan Sleeper.

Receiving recognition for their work on the ICAA Legislative Committee were (left to right) Jennifer Flater, Debbie Stevens, Bob Plantenga, Vicki Urbanik, Nancy Marsh, Amy Hochstrasser, Brian Gerth, Rick Gardner, and Mary Brown. Not shown is Legislative Committee Chair Nick Jordan, who received this year's Presidential Award.

Recognized for their work as ICAA District Chairs were (left to right) Julia Reeves, Lonnie Stroud, Patty Pickens, Jennifer Andel, Gayle Rogers, and Gregg Townsend.

2022 ICAA Officers (left to right): Amy Hochstrasser of Ohio County, Debbie Stevens of Warrick County, Christina Sriver of Fulton County, Jennifer Flater of Clay County, Rachel Oesterreich of Starke County, Deb Carnes of Hancock County, and Vicki Urbanik of Porter County.

A number of county auditors are leaving office at the end of this year because of term limits. Shown here are some of the outgoing auditors: (back row) Jennifer Andel of Montgomery County, Kim Koomler of Steuben County, Gregg Townsend of Tipton County, Gayle Rogers of White County, Julie Fox of Marshall County, Bob Plantenga of Tippecanoe County, (front row) Debbie Stevens of Warrick County, Jennifer Flater of Clay County, and Vicki Urbanik of Porter County.

At the ICAA business meeting, treasurer Rachel Oesterreich gave the association's fall financial report, and Tami Jackson of Newton County gave the internal audit findings.

ICAA 2023 Officers: Leading the County Auditors' Association in 2023 will be president Christina Sriver of Fulton County. Joining her on the board will be (left to right) Amy Hochstrasser, Treasurer; Rachel Oesterreich, President-Elect; Jennifer Flater, Past-President; Deb Carnes, Vice-President; and Jennifer Welsh, Secretary.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Fall, 2022 Conference is Nearly Here!

Our Indiana County Auditors' Association's 2022 fall conference is right around the corner. We will  meet at Belterra Casino Resort in Florence, Ind. Oct. 25 through Oct. 28.

Here is updated information about our conference:

  • The Association of Indiana Counties will offer an Institute for Excellence class on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 25th. The topic is "Leadership," and the speaker is Tim Rahschulte of the Professional Development Academy. Registration for this class is through AIC (
  • Tuesday evening is Vendor Night.

  • Wednesday and Thursday training will be facilitated by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.  The SBOA sent out the Call Letter and Agenda on Sept. 29. Here are the links for the Call Letter and Conference Agenda

  • The Wednesday evening entertainment will be Oktoberfest with a beer garden theme! Come dress up in Oktoberfest attire or anything that goes well with a beer garden theme! Cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6 p.m. and boardwalk games at 7 p.m. We will have an Oktoberfest Costume Contest and dueling pianos as well!
  • The Auditors’ Association business meeting will be 3 to 4 p.m. on Thursday.

  • Thursday evening is the Association dinner with a special guest providing entertainment. Cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at 6 p.m. and the guest entertainment at 7 p.m.

  • On Friday morning, the SBOA will continue training and Q & A from 9 a.m. to noon.

  • Our conference will conclude at noon on Friday.

We look forward to seeing you at Belterra! 

2023 Fall Conference Highlights