Friday, August 17, 2018

Mark Your Calendars: Fall Conference set for Oct. 23-26

Registration is now underway for the fall, 2018 state-called conference with the Indiana County Auditors' Association. The fall conference will be Oct. 23 through Oct. 26 at Belterra Casino Resort.

For the registration forms, click on the following links:

Conference registration -- Auditors
Conference registration -- Vendors

The early registration deadline is Oct. 8. No refunds will be issued after Oct. 8. The special room rate will be available through 8 a.m. on Oct. 1. Please follow the instructions on the registration form when making your hotel reservation.

On your registration form, please include the number of people who will be attending the Thursday night dinner and the Friday morning breakfast. Even if you are signing up for the full conference, we would like confirmation of the number attending the dinner and breakfast.

The Tuesday afternoon session will be an AIC course. Registration and payment will be to the AIC. We will post an update when registration for this session opens.

Wednesday night is the designated vendor night.

We will post more details about the fall conference as they become available.

Thank you, and see you at Belterra!

2023 Fall Conference Highlights