Sunday, December 8, 2019

Message from 2019 President Patty Ball

It has been a great honor and privilege to have served as your President this year!  It has been a year of change but change allows opportunities!! Every Association at times needs to review and evaluate their goals and the plans to achieve those goals. Our mission statement found in our bylaws gives us the foundation of WHO we are and WHAT we are to be about.

Section 1
The Indiana County Auditors’ Association hereinafter designated “Association” is formed to provide the highest standard of excellence in assisting and representing County Auditors of the State of Indiana. In order to implement its purpose, the Association’s programs shall include, among other things:
a.        Dissemination and exchange of information pertaining to the operation of the county auditor’s office.
b.        Fostering of cooperation among members, including meetings, seminars and other forums to promote EDUCATION, understanding and efficiency in matters relating to the county auditor’s office.
c.        To unite County Auditors of the State of Indiana to exert effectively a combined influence upon matters affecting the operation of the county auditor’s office and other matters which may affect the financial stability of the county.

My desire is for the Association to always strive to achieve this mission in everything we do!  As you continue to review the Bylaws and make revisions for good governing practices, remember the mission!

As President it has allowed me to get to know more of you more personally, and that has been a joy! We are so fortunate to have so many talented people who are so dedicated to doing a good job! It is a hard job as we all know, with many demands! I continue to be amazed at the vast knowledge and experience of so many of you!  So, to each one of you, my appreciation for serving your county and for serving our Association! I encourage you to stay involved as much as possible! Step up and share your knowledge and experience, it is vitally important and will make us ALL stronger Auditors!

I congratulate Julie Fox, Marshall County Auditor and your next ICAA President. I wish her the very best as she leads you, along with a great team of officers working with her: Vicki Urbanik, Porter County as President Elect, Jennifer Flater, Clay County as Vice President, Debbie Stevens, Warrick County as Treasurer and Christina Sriver, Fulton County as Secretary. 

May each of you have a Merry Christmas and may the NEW YEAR be full of blessings to all!

With much gratitude,

Patty Ball, Daviess County Auditor

ICAA Holds Year-End Affiliate Meeting 

The Indiana County Auditors' Association participated in the Indiana Association of County Commissioners' annual conference, held Dec. 3-5 in Indianapolis. In addition to attending various educational sessions, our Association held an affiliate meeting at which we conducted year-end business and officially transitioned to a slate of new officers for 2020.

Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
Some of the county auditors at the Indiana Association of County Commissioners conference.

During our business meeting, 2019 ICAA President Patty Ball announced a new initiative: The President's Award, given by the ICAA President in recognition of a county auditor who has made a significant contribution to the Auditors' Association. This year's recipient is Amy Tolbert, Vermillion County Auditor and the Association's West Central District chairperson. Congratulations, Amy!

Vermillion County Auditor Amy Tolbert (at left) received the  President's Award from 2019 ICAA President Patty Ball.

Another county auditor was recognized at our affiliate meeting: Putnam County Auditor Lorie Hallett, who received the "Outstanding Supportive Auditor of the Year" during the County Commissioners' conference. Congratulations, Lorie!

Putnam County Auditor Lorie Hallett with Commissioner Rick Woodall.
Our affiliate meeting included several year-end business items, including the transition to new officers for 2020 and the passing of the torch from Patty Ball as ICAA President to Julie Fox, Marshall County Auditor.

ICAA 2019 President-Elect Julie Fox (at right) receives a plaque honoring her as the 2020 ICAA President from 2020 Past-President Patty Ball.

Friday, October 4, 2019

County Auditors Attend AIC Conference

  More than 550 elected county officials and county staff members from through the state attended the 2019 Association of Indiana Counties' annual conference, held Sept. 30 through Oct. 3 in French Lick in Orange County.

  Indiana County Auditors' Association President Patty Ball, Daviess County Auditor, was the recipient of this year's Outstanding County Auditor of the Year award for her leadership to the ICAA. Many other county auditors were recognized by the AIC for their continuing education efforts through the AIC's Institute for Excellence.

Patty Ball, ICAA President and Daviess County Auditor, is the recipient of the 2019 Outstanding County Auditor of the Year. Presenting the award was AIC President Stacey O'Day, Allen County Assessor.

   The ICAA's Affiliate meeting, held on Tuesday of conference, focused on the growing rise of  cybersecurity threats to county government, including the different ways that hackers access counties' sensitive data. Featured speaker was Tad Stahl, executive director of the Indiana Information Sharing and Analysis Center at the Indiana Office of Technology. To view his presentation, click here.
The French Lick Resort

  Another speaker at the auditors' affiliate meeting was John Mallers of the Indiana Child Support Bureau who gave updates on the Quarterly Incentive Balance (QIB) report and a new auditor health insurance form. The form, which will be used to report health insurance costs associated with counties' IV-D programs, will be due Dec. 31.

  The AIC conference included keynote speaker Bill Stainton, a multiple Emmy awarding winning producer, writer, and performer and an internationally recognized Beatles expert. Participants attended a full day of educational workshops on topics that included jail management, archiving and digitizing county records, rural services, retirement planning, and potential impacts to counties from marijuana legalization. In addition to the AIC Institute graduation and awards banquet, participants met with vendors in the exhibition hall.

John Mallers, Assistant Deputy Director at the Indiana Child Support Bureau, spoke to county auditors about the QIB reports and the Auditors' Health Insurance Form.

 Our featured speaker at the Auditors' Affiliate meeting was Tad Stahl of the Indiana Office of Technology who spoke on the increasing problem that cybersecurity threats pose to county governments.

ICAA officers were recognized by the AIC for continuing education through the AIC's Institute for Excellence. Left to right are: ICAA Treasurer Jennifer Flater of Clay County, incoming ICAA Secretary Christina Sriver of Fulton County, ICAA President-Elect Julie Fox of Marshall County, and ICAA President Patty Ball of Daviess County.

With ICAA President Patty Ball are Vice-President Vicki Urbanik of Porter County (left) and Secretary Debbie Stevens of Warrick County.

Other county auditors and county officials were also recognized by the AIC for their continuing education efforts through the AIC Institute. 
Addressing the Auditors' Affiliate session were (left to right) AIC First Vice President and Owen County Council member Anton Neff, AIC President and Allen County Assessor Stacey O'Day, and NACo's 1st Vice President Gary Moore. 
Also addressing the county auditors at the affiliate meeting were representatives from the State Board of Accounts: (left to right) Debra Gibson, Director of Local Governments, and Ricci Hoffher and Lori Rogers, Directors of Counties.

County auditors at the ICAA's affiliate meeting listen as DLGF Commissioner Wes Bennett gives his remarks.

Monday, July 1, 2019

North-South Regional Meetings

The Indiana County Auditors' Association was pleased to sponsor regional meetings on July 10 and 11 to provide ongoing education for county auditors and staff members.

Our North meeting was held Wednesday, July 10 at the Porter County Expo Center, 215 E. Division Road, Valparaiso, Ind. Our South meeting was held Thursday, July 11 at the Gasthof Amish Village, 6659 E. Gasthof Village Road, Montgomery, IN.

The Association expresses our gratitude to all of our speakers for taking the time to share with us their expertise on matters affecting county auditors.

Here is the agenda, with links to the presentations:

Morning Sessions

911 Funding Issues: Edward Reuter, Executive Director, Statewide 911 Board
  Click here for the 911 presentation

Human Resource Matters -- FLSA and FMLA: Kent Irwin and Addie Rooker of Waggoner, Irwin, Scheele & Associates, Inc.
  Click here for the HR presentation


Afternoon Sessions

Deductions and Exemptions: Daniel Shackle, Chief of Staff and General Counsel, Indiana Department of Local Government Finance
  Click here for the Deductions and Exemptions presentation

Budgets and 1782 Notices: Paige Sansone, Partner, CPA, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors LLC
  Click here for the 1782 Notice presentation

Changes to the Annual Financial Reports: Lori Rogers, CPA, Counties Director, State Board of Accounts
  Click here for the Annual Financial Reports presentation 

North meeting: Kent Irwin of Waggoner, Irwin, Scheele & Associates addresses the FLSA and FMLA.

North meeting: Paige Sansone, CPA and Parter at bakertilly reviews 1782 Notices.

North meeting: Dan Shackle, DLGF Chief of Staff and General Counsel outlines deductions and exemptions, including new legislation affecting the Over 65 and the Disabled Veterans deductions.

South Meeting: County Auditors and staff members in attendance.

South Meeting: Lori Rogers of the State Board of Accounts reviews changes to the Annual Financial Report.
South Meeting: Ed Reuter, Executive Director of the E911 Statewide Board, outlines 911 funding issues.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spring, 2019 Conference

County auditors from throughout Indiana gathered in French Lick May 21-24 for the spring, 2019 State Board of Accounts-called conference.

The conference featured speakers from agencies including the SBOA, Auditor of State's office, and the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. Educational topics included annual financial reporting, annual audits, a new MVH directive, records retention, and new legislation.

Here are some photos of the event.

ICAA Officers at Conference: From left to right, President-Elect Julie Fox of Marshall County, Vice-President Vicki Urbanik of Porter County, President Patty Ball of Daviess County, Secretary Debbie Stevens of Warrick County, and Treasurer Jennifer Flater of Clay County.
At Registration.

The spring conference gets underway with opening remarks by State Examiner Paul Joyce and Deputy State Examiners Mike Bozymski and Tammy White.

Wednesday Night Activity: Bowling and Games


Thursday Night Activity: Stepping Back in Time to the 1920s!

Indiana Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch joined us as our guest speaker.

ICAA Officers in 1920s Attire

The Band
Costume Contest!

The male costume contest finalists
The female costume contest finalists

Friday: Q & A

The conference wrapped up with another informative Q & A session with Lori Rogers and Ricci Hofherr of the SBOA.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spring 2019 Conference Approaching

Our spring, 2019 conference is right around the corner, May 21-24 at the French Lick Resort in French Lick, Ind. 

For the activities agenda, click here: Conference Activities

For the agenda, click here: Spring Conference Agenda

For the SBOA call letter, click here: Call Letter

For a registration form for County Auditors, click here: Auditor Spring Conference Registration

For a registration form for vendors, click here: Vendor Spring Conference Registration

The registration forms to county auditors were sent by email on March 15.

Please note that the registration deadline was April 26. The cutoff for the hotel room block with the discounted rate was also April 26.

We ask that all county auditors and staff members wear their identification badge at conference. The deadline for placing badge orders for pick-up at the spring conference has passed.

The Tuesday afternoon session will be an AIC education session. To attend this session, please register with the AIC. 

Some other highlights of the spring conference:

  • Registration check-in for auditors and vendors will open at noon, Tuesday, May 21.
  • Vendor booth set-up opens at noon, May 21, with take-down on Thursday, May 23.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday night will be vendor nights.
  • The Thursday night entertainment will be a Gatsby Dinner Event. Attendees are asked to dress in 1920s attire. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume. Featured speaker will be Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch!

Auditors and vendors: Please remit your registrations and payment to ICAA Treasurer Jennifer Flater, Clay County Auditor, 609 E. National Ave., Room 105, Brazil, IN 47834

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Indiana County Auditors attend AIC Legislative Conference

County auditors from throughout Indiana were among approximately 300 county officials who attended the Association of Indiana Counties' 2019 County Legislative Conference held in Indianapolis Feb. 5-6.

During the conference, county officials met with legislators to discuss local government issues and also attended AIC sessions that focused on legislative proposals that would have an impact on county government. The Indiana County Auditors' Association were among the AIC affiliate groups to host a break-out session, giving county auditors the opportunity to hear  legislative updates from the Association's Legislative Committee as well as from our legislative lobbyist, Mark Palmer.

During the break-out session, Indiana County Auditors' Association President Patty Ball thanked the legislative committee for all their hard work keeping track of the pending bills that affect county auditors. She also urged county auditors to contact their local state legislators to give their input on legislative matters.

The Auditors' Association is following a number of bills, including: H.B. 1436, which includes a variety of proposals that the Auditors' Association supports, including a requirement that homestead deductions are on single parcels, in turn encouraging parcel combinations and eliminating inefficiencies in the current process; H.B. 1010, which addresses changes to the Over-65 deduction and credit; H.B. 1033, which proposes changes to the LIT legislation; and H.B. 1025, which would double the state subsidy for county highway engineers.

State leaders who spoke at the conference included Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, Auditor of State Tera Klutz, Secretary of State Connie Lawson, State Representative Phil GiaQuinta and State Senator Mark Messmer. Workshop topics included broadband infrastructure and marijuana legalization.

Below are some scenes from the AIC Legislative Conference and our Auditors' Association break-out session.

From left to right: ICAA vice-president Vicki Urbanik of Porter County, ICAA president Patty Ball of Daviess County, Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, ICAA treasurer Jennifer Flater of Clay County, and ICAA secretary Debbie Stevens of Warrick County.

Auditors' Association affiliate break-out session

Mark Palmer, legislative lobbyist for the Auditors' Association, addresses legislative proposals.

Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch speaks to the AIC conference attendees.

Auditors' Association breakout session.
Nick Jordan, Allen County Auditor and Auditors' Association Legislative Committee Co-Chair, addresses legislative priorities for county auditors.

Auditors' Association break-out session.

2023 Fall Conference Highlights